Thursday, November 25, 2010

Truly Just Theater . . . Theater of the Absurd

George Will wrote in an Op Ed this week in which he stated rather succinctly that,

‎"What the TSA is doing is mostly security theater, a pageant to reassure passengers that flying is safe,"

and yet I am not sure if anyone has written or said that if all of the new security measures (full-body image scanners and enhanced pat-downs) had been in place a year ago that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab still would have boarded a plane in Amsterdam where the TSA and Janet Incompetano have no real authority. UFA was flying into the U.S. with a plan to explode the bomb on arrival. In other words, the new system will likely fail just like the previous system because it is not addressing an inbound threat from abroad. Rather those in charge have decided to further harass and delay law abiding Americans.

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