The cloture vote may be lost on many as a procedural activity in the Senate that is beyond our understanding but there are some very simple facts about Saturday night:
- The 2,000 plus page Senate bill clearly included language supporting tax payer funded abortions.
- Mike Johanns (R-NE) made a simple plea to the Democrats and Independents before the vote. He called on just one Democrat to break ranks and prevent that from happening.
- Not one of 60 supposed "enlightened" human beings could find it in their hearts or minds to say "nay" on Saturday night to save innocent lives. Yes - SAVE lives. Not like "saving" jobs. The moment the first abortion takes place under a government run Health Care system there will be nothing but pure accountability over that life that was not saved. That blood will be on all their heads.
Not a single Democrat or Independent Senator stepped forward to say "nay" during the vote. The party line won over the rights of the unborn. In this group there were many self proclaimed "Pro-Life" Senators but clearly talk is cheap.
Let me reiterate. This was merely a matter of saying a single word to save lives. This was not a matter of offering their own life to save many others. This wasn't even a matter of changing the laws allowing women to have abortions, only who pays for them, now namely all taxpayers under this new bill. At most this may have meant they lost some pro-abortionist votes in an upcoming election and the bill would have even survived, only having to be rewritten to strike the abortion language from it before proceeding to another vote.
A single word would equal tens of thousands, perhaps millions of lives. Not one could say "no". Not one.
Cowards all. They would rather kowtow to the party then show a sliver of moral courage, show true conviction of their beliefs; act and not just speak.
Not a single one of them can say they stood in the way of abortion in the final bill. Their time to do so was this past Saturday. Mike Johanns knew this. He knows the other procedures in the Senate like the one that would require no less than 60 votes to remove abortion provisions from the Senate bill now that they are included. If not one could say "no" now can we really expect 20 to step forward and stand with the Republicans later.
We need leaders and they are followers in a pack of cowards.
It is time to get rid of them all.
Daniel | Akaka | HI | |
Max | Baucus | MT | |
Evan | Bayh | IN | |
Mark | Begich | AK | |
Michael | Bennet | CO | |
Jeff | Bingaman | NM | |
Barbara | Boxer | CA | |
Sherrod | Brown | OH | |
Roland | Burris | IL | |
Robert | Byrd | WV | |
Maria | Cantwell | WA | |
Benjamin | Cardin | MD | |
Thomas | Carper | DE | |
Robert | Casey | OA | |
Kent | Conrad | ND | |
Chris | Dodd | CT | |
Byron | Dorgan | ND | |
DICK | Durbin | IL | |
Russ | Feingold | WI | |
Dianne | Feinstein | CA | |
Al | Franken | MN | |
Kristen | Gillbrand | NY | |
Kay | Hagan | NC | |
Tom | Harkin | IA | |
Daniel | Inouye | HI | |
Tim | Johnson | SD | |
Edward | Kaufman | DE | |
John | Kerry | MA | |
Paul | Kirk | MA | |
Amy | Klobuchar | MN | |
Herb | Kohl | WI | |
Mary | Landrieu | LA | |
Frank | Lautenberg | NJ | |
Pat | Leahy | VT | |
Carl | Levin | MI | |
Blanche | Lincoln | AR | |
Claire | McCaskill | MO | |
Robert | Menendez | NJ | |
Jeff | Merkley | OR | |
Barbara | Mikulski | MD | |
Patty | Murray | WA | |
Ben | Nelson | NE | |
Bill | Nelson | FL | |
Mark | Pryor | AR | |
Jack | Reed | RI | |
Harry | Reid | NV | |
John | Rockefeller | WV | |
Charles | Schumer | NY | |
Jeanne | Shaheen | NH | |
Arlen | Specter | PA | |
Debbie | Stabenow | MI | |
Jon | Tester | MT | |
Mark | Udall | CO | |
Tom | Udall | NM | |
Mark | Warner | VA | |
Jim | Webb | VA | |
Sheldon | Whitehouse | RI | |
Ron | Wyden | OR | |
Bernard | Sanders | VT | |
Joe | Lieberman | CT |
Let's get rid of them all as soon as possible please.
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