Friday, December 31, 2010

Retiring the Decade and With It a Word

The word of the decade, the one that most deserves to be retired is
It is a myth, a fallacy, a ruse and therefore bearing no resemblance to it's denotation. See Jonah Goldberg's December 31st article in National Review on the equally deceptive subterfuge of the "No Labels" movement.

All the calls for bipartisanship are coming from the side that lost big in the 201o mid-term elections, the side that practiced a most pronounced form of partisanship for the past two years, the side that saw deep divisions in their own party and struggled to ram through legislation with majority control of the legislature, with no need for a single member of the other party to join them. It doesn't take genius to figure out something is fishy in the Democrat side of the aisle in our Capitol.

The Progressives, in their desire to be bipartisan now have only one intent. Their goal is to keep their agenda in motion. There are no unicorns or rainbows . . . that's to say, there is no altruism in this new found desire for bipartisanship. And as sure as there have been Progressives a.k.a. Socialists in the government advancing an anti-American agenda since before I was an embryo, they are here now and willing to use any tactic available.

[Side-note for those who may be bothered by the adversarial rhetoric in the politics of the day: You may want to stick to the Style section of the newspaper. It's going to get really ugly in 2011 now that the Democrats have lost control of the House.]

The federal government does some of it's best work when it is doing nothing, so the word for 2011, the one that has a negative connotation and yet, in the context of a liberal agenda, the word that I find quite positive is

I am starting to keep tally on the clicker now. Every time Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Hoyer, Gibbs, et al use the word "Gridlock" you know the American people are winning.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Voting With Their Feet

Prior to the U.S. Census results being tabulated there was some early reporting and it appeared the electoral map would see this redistribution with almost all the declines taking place in Blue State America and very few pickups occurring outside of Red States. Highlights in yellow are my way of indicating those states that have seen a Tea Party impact on Congressional election results and appear to be shifting right

Americans came out en masse in the mid-term elections to let their government know their displeasure but as is often the case there has been a silent uprising for years. People have been fleeing states with high taxes and anti-business, anti-working class liberal policies. They've left liberalism in the rear view mirrors of their U-Haul trailers and arrived into the welcoming arms of pro-business, lower tax states; sanctuaries of American liberty. I'm calling it Free Market Federalism.

The Census results that have been released today are inline with the earlier expectations. The change depicted here in the number of Congressional seats results in an equal number of electoral votes (plus or minus). The 2012 electoral landscape will look like this